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(1) 室内人员健康与行为

(2) 面向绿色建筑与健康建筑的智能机器人

(3) 传染病传播

(4) 室内空气品质

(5) 智慧建筑与建筑节能

(6) 机器学习、大数据分析及数据挖


张楠,男,北京工业大学教授、博士生导师。获国家级青年人才、北京市高层次人才、北工大高层次人才称号,入选北京市市属高校优秀青年人才培养计划,何兴舟青年学术奖(2023)获得者。主持国家自然科学基金、美国波音公司项目(北工大与波音公司合作首次)、日本花王公司项目多项。共发表包括Journal of Infection(IF=28.2)等中科院一区杂志及会议论文100余篇,谷歌总引用2000次。目前任暖通空调产业技术创新联盟青年学术委员会副主任委员,建筑与仿真学会专委会委员,中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青委会委员,Building Simulation杂志青年编委,Buildings杂志编委。担任40多个国际SCI期刊审稿人。因抗击新冠疫情,荣获香港行政长官社区服务奖状(林郑月娥亲自颁发)。发表在PNAS Nexus上的文章被国际知名媒体EurekAlert!宣传;发表在Building and Environment的文章被泰晤士高等教育(THE)报道;获Building and Environment 2020 Best Paper AwardRisk Analysis 2017 Press Release Paper,并被包括雅虎新闻(YAHOO NEWS)在内的多家网站转发。2022-23学年工程热力学课程北工大满分课堂。











(1) 国家自然科学基金优青项目,面向建筑公共卫生和安全风险的人行为影响研究, 2022.1-2024.12, 项目负责人

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,室内人员呼吸道传染病近距离传播机理和精准防控方法, 2022.1-2024.12, 项目负责人

(3) 企业委托项目(波音公司),The Boeing Company and Beijing University of Technology Research and Development Agreement 2023-GT-379, 2024.1-2024.12, 项目负责人

(4) 企业委托项目, 情景分析模型系统研发项目, 2024.1-2024.12, 项目负责人

(5) 企业委托项目,基于大规模人员流动大数据的******, 2023.2-2024. 2, 项目负责人

(6) 企业委托项目,医院急诊室与家庭环境中人员近距离接触与表面触摸行为分析研究, 2023.3-2024.3, 项目负责人

(7) 企业委托项目, 多场景下人员近距离接触行为与传染病传播风险分析研究, 2023.6-2023.12, 项目负责人

(8) 企业委托项目(波音公司), Developing *** in airplane (Phase 1), 2022.11-2023.11, 项目负责人

(9) 企业委托项目(波音公司), Developing the vision system ******, 2022.11-2023.11, 项目负责人

(10) 企业委托项目(日本花王公司), Human close contact and surface touching behavior analysis under the COVID-19, 2022.2-2023.2, 项目负责人

(11) 企业委托项目, 家庭环境中的表面接触行为与表面清洁卫生的问卷调查, 2022.9-2023.9, 项目负责人

(12) 企业委托项目,国内机场人员行为对感染风险的评估影响研究, 2022.10-2023.10, 项目负责人


[1] Zhang N, Yang X, Su B, et al. Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a university classroom based on real human close contact behaviors. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 917: 170346.

[2] Yang X,…, Zhang N*. Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in airports based on real human close contact behaviors. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 82: 108299.

[3] Hu T, …, Zhang N*. Infectious diseases prevention and control with reduced energy consumption in an airport. Energy and Built Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.enbenv.2024.01.012

[4] Zhang N, Liu X, Gao S, et al. Popularization of high-speed railway reduces the infection risk via close contact route during journey. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 99: 104979.

[5] Zhang N, Liu L, Dou Z, et al. Close contact behaviors of university and school students in 10 indoor environments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 458: 132069.

[6] Zhang N, Hu T, Niu M, et al. Building energy efficiency and COVID-19 infection risk: lessons from office room management. Building Simulation, 2023, 16: 1425-1438.

[7] Zhuang L, …, Zhang N*. Fomite transmission in airports based on real human touch behaviors. Buildings, 2023, 13: 2582.

[8] Wei J, …, Zhang N*. Effects of occupant behavior and ventilation on exposure to respiratory droplets in the indoor environment, Building and Environment, 2023, 229: 109973.

[9] Miao D, …, Zhang N*. How school closures influenced learning and physical and mental health of Chinese university students during the COVID-19 pandemic? Building and Environment, 2023, 242: 110582.

[10] Shang S, …, Zhang N*. Changes on local travel behaviors under travel reduction-related interventions during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study in Hong Kong. City and Built Environment, 2023, 1: 5.

[11] Zhang N, Hu T, Shang S, et al. Local travel behaviour under continuing COVID-19 waves– A proxy for pandemic fatigue? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023, 18: 100757.

[12] Guo Y, Dou Z, Zhang N*, et al. Student close contact behavior based COVID-19 transmission in China’s classrooms. PNAS Nexus, 2023, 2: pgad142.

[13] Lei H#, Zhang N#, Xiao S, et al. Relative role of age groups and indoor environments in influenza transmission under different urbanization rates in China. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2023, kwad218.

[14] Lei H#, Zhang N#, Xiao S, et al. Effect of rapid urbanization in mainland China on the seasonal influenza epidemic: spatiotemporal analysis of surveillance data from 2010 to 2017. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2023, 9: e41435.




Email: zhangn@bjut.edu.cn
