• Wang Hao
    Title: Research Associate
    E-mail: wanghao87@bjut.edu.cn
Current Professional Societies

1. Editorial board member of South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology

Research Areas

1. Optimization of urban water supply and drainage system.

2. The basic theory of urban waterlogging control.

3. Development technique of geographic information system and waterlogging model.


1. Wang Hao,Zhou Jinjun,Tang Ying,Liu Zilong,Kang Aiqing,Chen Bin. Flood economic assessment of structural measure based on integrated flood risk management: A case study in Beijing.[J]. Journal of environmental management,2020.

2. Wang Hao,Lei Xiaohui,Soon-Thiam Khu,Song Lixiang. Optimization of Pump Start-up Depth in Drainage Pumping Station Based on SWMM and PSO[J]. Water,2019,11(5).

Personal Statement

Wang Hao is the research associate in department of municipal engineering. He obtained the doctor’s, master’s and bachelor’s degree from Beijing university of technology, and then worked in postdoctoral research station of China institute of water resources and hydropower. He mainly researches on optimization of water supply and drainage system, basic theory of urban waterlogging control. He participated in many programs about multimodal coupling of urban waterlogging, development of waterlogging simulation system and urban design rainfall. He published more than 10 academic papers.