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Announcement of the 1st International Conference on Smart Construction


发布日期:2024-02-23   来源:   点击量:

Announcement of the 1st International Conference on Smart Construction


Background of the Conference

为推进建筑工业化、数字化及智能化升级,推动建筑业高质量发展,北京工业大学于2023年12月正式创建了国际期刊Smart Construction(中文:《智能建造与智慧运维》,ISSN: 2960-2025 (Print), 2960-2033 (Online)),并联合爱迩思出版社(ELSP)出版发行。期刊由中国工程院院士杜修力教授,中国工程院外籍院士Billie F. Spencer, Jr教授,日本工程院外籍院士赵衍刚教授及澳大利亚工程院院士郝洪教授4位院士担任共同主编。


To accelerate the industrialization, digitalization, and intelligent upgrading of the construction field, while promoting its high-quality development, Beijing University of Technology funded the international journal Smart Construction in December 2023, titled《智能建造与智慧运维》in Chinese, with the ISSN of 2960-2025 (Print) and 2960-2033 (Online), in collaboration with ELSP. Professor Xiuli Du from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Professor Billie F. Spencer, Jr. a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Professor Yangang Zhao, a foreign academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, and Professor Hong Hao from the Australian Academy of Engineering jointed amicably the journal as Editors-in-Chief.

With the launch of the journal, Beijing University of Technology and ELSP are jointly organizing the 1st International Conference on Smart Construction. The aim is to establish a high-end and cutting-edge exchange platform covering various fields including smart planning and design, smart construction, smart maintenance, smart equipment and robotics, smart disaster prevention and mitigation, civil infrastructure systems, digital twin, system resilience, green construction and maintenance, urban renewal, advanced sensing systems, and smart city development. This conference seeks to facilitate exchanges and cooperation among experts and scholars from both domestic and international contexts, thereby driving the comprehensive development of the global intelligent construction industry. We are anticipating bringing together experts, scholars, and industry talents to engage in open discussions on international hot topics, key technologies, industrial development, and challenges. We sincerely invite scholars from around the world to attend this conference and encourage them to submit papers and promote the event.


·北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology)



·北京工业大学城市建设学部(Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology)

·Smart Construction期刊


持续更新|Continually updated


Conference Time and Venue

01会议时间| Conference Time

2024年5月| May 2024

(specific date to be determined)

02会议形式| Conference Format

线上线下相结合|Online & Offline

03会议地点| Conference Venue

北京,中国|Beijing, China

04联系方式| Contact Information


We sincerely invite all scholars to attend this conference and encourage you to submit papers and promote this conference via your network.


Interested experts and scholars, please scan the QR code to join the group, where follow-up information will be provided.

联系邮箱: smartcon@elspub.com